Tuesday, December 25, 2007

CHP - Shirts and Gifts

California Highway Patrol - CHP
Shirts and Gifts


Monday, November 26, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Monday, November 05, 2007

The Real Paramedic

An unfortunate fact is that most people are not educated in what a Paramedic can do. This leaves a stereotypical impression of a Paramedic. Paramedics have come a long way throughout the years and although not viewed as medical experts, Paramedics are the highest level of prehospital care providers and are truly healthcare professionals.

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RealSlogans.com: Medical Professionals - Paramedics

RealSlogans.com: Medical Professionals - Paramedics

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Iraq Sucks Campaign – Wear the “Iraq Sucks” button

Iraq Sucks Campaign 2007-2008

It doesn’t matter if you are for or against the war. It doesn’t matter if you are a republican or democrat. The fact is “Iraq Sucks”

RealSlogans.com is asking that you start wearing Iraq Sucks buttons and clothing. We know this is a little inflammatory and some people will not appreciate this idea but this is a good idea.

The Iraq Sucks Campaign will bring us together by showing each other that we are not that different. We are proud of our Military Service Personnel but the fact is they think Iraq Sucks also.

You can pick up your “Iraq Sucks” buttons and clothing HERE.

Thank you for your support.

Veterans Day 2007

Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11 in honor of those who have served in the armed forces of the United States. It is a legal federal holiday.

The observation was originally designated in 1919 by President Woodrow Wilson as Armistice Day. Wilson selected November 11 because the Armistice ending World War I had been signed on this date in 1918. Wilson wanted to make sure that Americans did not forget the tragedies of the war. In 1938, Congress passed legislation which designated Armistice Day as a federal holiday. The name was changed to Veterans Day in 1954 so that all veterans would be honored. For a brief period (1971-1977), the holiday was celebrated on the fourth Monday in October.

On Veterans Day, special services take place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.

Visit www.RealVeterans.com For Gifts and Shirts for your Veteran.

Iraq Veterans Memorial

We are proud and honored to present to you the Iraq Veterans Memorial, created by the folks at Brave New Foundation.

This memorial was conceived as a place to honor the servicemembers who lost their lives over the past four years during the Iraq War. By watching the videos, you will have the opportunity to learn about these heroes from those who knew them best -- their family, friends, and fellow servicemembers. Each man and woman represented in the memorial had attributes and qualities that made them unique, but they all have one thing in common -- they were truly loved and are deeply missed.

You got Wi-Fi ?

I got Wi-Fi right here. You got Wi-Fi Shirts and Gifts.
WI-FI is everywhere. You cant have coffee without somebody with a laptop
checking their email next to you. I was recently in an airport and I counted 30
people on laptops at the gate waiting for their flight. This Wi-Fi shirt is a
great gift. I am going to wear my Wi Fi shirt into Starbucks and try and find a

Get this shirt at www.RealGreatShirts.com

Powered by ScribeFire.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Real Veterans

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight for,nothing he cares about more than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

www.RealVeterans.com For Veteran Gifts and Shirts - Veteran Christmas Gifts

Friday, November 02, 2007

Man calls 911 12 times in 5 hours over a toothache!....Then gets Arrested

West Valley man's toothache sends him to jail instead of the dentist. Thirty-four-year-old Brook Akins called 911 dispatchers 12 times in the span of five hours with most of those calls lasting around 30 minutes each. He said his tooth hurt and he was tired of the pain.

read more | digg story

Great Ambulance and Paramedic Prank

Great paramedic gag on video.

read more | digg story


Technorati Profile

RealSlogans.com: Slow-Learner Firefighter Paramedic

RealSlogans.com: Slow-Learner Firefighter Paramedic

Slow-Learner Firefighter Paramedic

Las Vegas that a Clark County fire paramedic arrested almost three
weeks ago in connection with 11 drug burglaries was arrested again
after allegedly stealing more narcotics.

Police say 35-year-old Samuel Bond broke into county Fire Station
Number 65 sometime before 6:30 a.m. Saturday and stole narcotics. Fire
Department spokesman Scott Allison says the drugs were taken from an
ambulance locked inside the station.

Later Saturday, police say Bond was found passed out on his father’s
driveway. Bond was taken to University Medical Center where he was
stabilized before being re-booked in the Clark County Detention Center.

Bond, who has worked for the fire department for more than six
years, remained in the detention center Saturday night without bail.

Back on September 30 he was caught in the act of trying to break
into an ambulance drug box by the unit’s paramedic. A police officer
at the hospital arrested him and he was subsequently charged with 22
counts of assorted felonies related to break-ins at 8 fire stations.

He had been out on bail with a home detention monitor, but that plan didn’t work out.

Read the background on the original charges HERE. They also have two videos.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Christmas Gifts for Real Heroes

Hero Christmas Gifts and Shirts

Christmas Gifts and Shirts for Real Heroes.
Paramedic Christmas Gifts,
EMT Christmas Gifts,
Firefighter Christmas Gifts,
911 Dispatcher Gifts,
EMS Christmas Gifts.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Night In the Life Of A Paramedic, calls, boleyn, paramedics - kfdm.com

Local News: A Night In the Life Of A Paramedic, calls, boleyn, paramedics - kfdm.com

It could be a heart attack, car wreck or an accident involving a child. Whatever the call.. paramedics and EMT's tonight are standing by ready to respond.

Acadian Ambulance started in Lafayette, Louisiana in 1971 with only two ambulances.. now it's the largest private ambulance service in the nation... and less than a year ago it expanded to southeast Texas... tonight they took us along for the ride.

"Had about four calls, couple of transfers, couple of emergencies."

But that's not what John Boleyn expects on a night like this.

He said, "Weather plays a lot of factors, in the winter you get a lot of the respiratory calls, rain of course, you get your MVC's, motor vehicle accidents."

These Acadian Ambulance paramedics and emergency medical technicians say the job is stressful, hectic, unpredictable but rewarding.

Boleyn said, "You can't do it for the pay, you've gotta do it for the love of saving lives and helping people."

Even if helping people means answering one of the worst calls...

Boleyn said, "No one likes to run pediatric calls, anything to do with children, those are really the toughest for those that have families."

But there are also happier occasions they'll never forget.

"A year ago this month I delivered a child, those are the calls that make you go home and smile," said Boleyn.

Because its employees play such a crucial role in the community, Acadian is paying for the medics to go to school to become paramedics.

Paramedic Supervisor Jeff Thibodeaux said, "They'll be able to give a higher level of care to the patients they meet and greet everyday."

Whether that meeting is by chance or by choice... these medics say they're ready to answer the call.

My Real Heroes Shirts & Gifts : CafePress.com

My Real Heroes Shirts & Gifts : CafePress.com

Paramedic, EMT, COP, 911 Dispatcher

Gifts for Christmas

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The (NEW) APGAR Score

The Apgar score was devised in 1952 by Dr. Virginia Apgar as a simple and repeatable method to quickly and summarily assess the health of newborn children immediately after childbirth.

The Apgar score is determined by evaluating the newborn baby on five simple criteria on a scale from zero to two and summing up the five values thus obtained. The resulting Apgar score ranges from zero to 10

Hey that was a long time ago. The new APGAR score encompass things from our generation. This APGAR score would be something you would use on Britney Spears babies.

This APGAR score can be used by doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, and COPs. Ok maybe not COPs.

Visit www.RealMaternityShirts.com to get this new APGAR score on a shirt. APGAR gifts.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Christmas Shirts and Gifts - Real Slogans

RealSlogans Affiliate Banner

Great Shirts and Gifts for Christmas

RealGreatShirts Affiliate Banner

Great Bumperstickers For Christmas Gifts

RealStickers Affiliate Banner

Sunday, April 01, 2007

911 Dispatcher Gifts

National Dispatchers Week

National Dispatchers Week

They are the “heroes behind the scenes” when emergencies occur. Public safety dispatchers provide a critical service to all emergency personnel while performing their duties with integrity, quality, accountability and respect. Calltakers are the first people “on the scene” of every crime, fire and medical emergency.

To honor the dispatchers during National Telecommunicator Week April 8-14. RealSlogans.com has lowered the prices on RealDispatchers.com Gifts.

Each year, the second full week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as public safety telecommunicators. Telecommunicator Week was first conceived by Patricia Anderson of the Contra Costa County (Calif.) Sheriff's Office in 1981. Members of the Virginia and North Carolina chapters of the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) became involved in the mid-1980s. By the early 1990s, the national APCO organization convinced Congress of the need to create "National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week."

Thanks for visiting. RealSlogans.com

Dispatchers recognized during national week

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

The week has been designated by the Congress of the United States as PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATORS WEEK in recognition of the men and women whose dedication and professionalism help keep all citizens safe.

The safety of police officers, firefighters and emergency medical service providers that serve our
citizens are dependent on the quality and accuracy of information obtained from citizens who
contact public safety dispatch centers.

Telecommunicators assist in the saving of many lives, the apprehension of criminals and
prevention of considerable property loss each year. The members of public safety dispatch
centers exhibit compassion, understanding and professionalism during their performance as
Public Safety Telecommunicators.

911 telecommunicators provide 24-hour communication between citizens and public safety
responders. The number 911 is universally recognized as being the one to report emergencies
where police, fire or medical assistance is needed. The call can be made from any telephone,
including cell phones with or without basic service, and from any pay phone.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Medical Professionals - Paramedics


RealParamedics.com is dedicated to the real hero’s in EMS.

Paramedics and EMT’s are the backbone in any EMS system.

From the beginning of prehospital care the hard working men and women that work on ambulances have kept EMS alive.

Real Paramedics and EMT’s don’t need the redundant infrastructure of the fire service to provide high quality patient care and are able to make autonomous decisions.

Real Paramedics and EMT’s are able to use common sense and medical training to treat patients, whereas the fire service lost their common sense many years ago.

Real Paramedics have pride and a passion for their profession and didn’t go to paramedic school just to become a firefighter.

We at RealParamedics.com respect and honor all of the Ambulance Paramedics and EMT’s that have chosen this proud profession and continue to provide the highest level of patient care possible.

Show that you are proud of your chosen profession with RealParamedics.com gear.

Real Paramedics Don’t Roll Hose !!!!!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

New Paramedic Place

   Join Real Paramedics   

 MSN Groups

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What is "OPF"?

OPF = Other Peoples Food

So what the hell am I talking about?

Let’s just say you are at work and you feel a little grumbling in your belly.

You go to the refrigerator and open it up.

There it is – OPF – Other peoples food.

So what do you do?

Yep - EAT IT !!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

RealSlogans.com: ICE (In Case of Emergency) - Great Idea...

RealSlogans.com: ICE (In Case of Emergency) - Great Idea...

ICE (In Case of Emergency) - Great Idea...

ICE History
ICE came to life in Cambridge, England in 2005 when a paramedic, Bob Brotchie suggested people program their cell phones with emergency contact numbers using the acronym ICE to identify them. The movement to use ICE gained momentum after the July 2005 London terrorist bombing that killed 56 and injured hundreds. Since then the ICE concept spread to the U.S. where a number of states have adopted its use.
Several for-profit ventures have also emerged that offer a yearly subscription service to maintain personal emergency information. In Syracuse, New York safety professionals developed a highly recognizable graphic design and several tools and promotional materials to support the free use of ICE.
New York Compensation Managers (NYCM) is supporting the development of ICE through a cooperative alliance with OSHA to increase use of the emergency prepardness concept nationwide. The company has helped facilitate the initial production of the ICE Emblem, ICE Stickers, and an ICE Card. Samples of the ICE Tools and digital versions are available on this website for non-commercial purposes. NYCM is not looking to benefit financially from this program but only offer it as a public service.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Homeless people using 911 as a taxi

So its January and yes it is cold outside. 911 is requested from a payphone be a man that states he is cold and he needs to go to the ER to get warm.

The ambulance arrives and picks him up for a ride to the ER.

One minute later another 911 call comes in 1 block away for a woman in respiratory distress. The ambulance responding to the respiratory distress call is 9 minutes away.

Now lets imagine that the respiratory distress patient is your mother. This is where the moral and ethical questions comes in.

Do you dump the homeless guy back on the street and go to the respiratory distress or just take the homeless guy to the ER and hope the respiratory distress person is OK?