Sunday, April 01, 2007

911 Dispatcher Gifts

National Dispatchers Week

National Dispatchers Week

They are the “heroes behind the scenes” when emergencies occur. Public safety dispatchers provide a critical service to all emergency personnel while performing their duties with integrity, quality, accountability and respect. Calltakers are the first people “on the scene” of every crime, fire and medical emergency.

To honor the dispatchers during National Telecommunicator Week April 8-14. has lowered the prices on Gifts.

Each year, the second full week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as public safety telecommunicators. Telecommunicator Week was first conceived by Patricia Anderson of the Contra Costa County (Calif.) Sheriff's Office in 1981. Members of the Virginia and North Carolina chapters of the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) became involved in the mid-1980s. By the early 1990s, the national APCO organization convinced Congress of the need to create "National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week."

Thanks for visiting.

Dispatchers recognized during national week

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

The week has been designated by the Congress of the United States as PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATORS WEEK in recognition of the men and women whose dedication and professionalism help keep all citizens safe.

The safety of police officers, firefighters and emergency medical service providers that serve our
citizens are dependent on the quality and accuracy of information obtained from citizens who
contact public safety dispatch centers.

Telecommunicators assist in the saving of many lives, the apprehension of criminals and
prevention of considerable property loss each year. The members of public safety dispatch
centers exhibit compassion, understanding and professionalism during their performance as
Public Safety Telecommunicators.

911 telecommunicators provide 24-hour communication between citizens and public safety
responders. The number 911 is universally recognized as being the one to report emergencies
where police, fire or medical assistance is needed. The call can be made from any telephone,
including cell phones with or without basic service, and from any pay phone.